Monday, 20 August 2012 the back of your mind.

   I believe in the subconscious like you believe you will have a beautiful family one day. I believe in the subconscious cause when the television is On, but you aren't looking at it but instead concentrating on reading this blog, or texting. If I turned off the television and ask you what was on it, you will have a rough idea. 

That's why I am still in law school, but am going to court, am spending time in law firms, cause I believe in the subconscious. I believe my mind takes in more than I really think it does. Please start believing that, cause its one of those things that just believing in them makes you destined for greatness.

There is something called a bond. For a second think about the model of the car that best suits you, can you imagine it, can you see yourself driving it into town... Can you see yourself turning the steering so that you can park it, now your sweet car is packed in town, you packed it in town, then the Municipal Council idiots clamped it cause you didn't pay parking fees; being a person of high temper you broke the clamp, or you removed the wheel plus the clamp, put it in the boot and screwed the spare wheel in, then drove away, escaped but someone reported you. They snitched!

Your name, your car number plate will be put on something called black-list in the Municipal Council City council office. It's usually a notice board.

'____ *insert your car number plate here* Wanted for vandalism of Government Property of Municipal Council'

Hilarious right. Ati sasa a padlock and clamp is property! Yes it is. And you will get arrested, assuming they arrest such people, and you will call me to defend you in court cause even the language they use there is very technical, let's not even start on the procedure.

What happens next?

The bond thing. I will ask the court to release you on bond. Bond is the car log book you leave at the courts registry, or the title deed, or the pay-slip that thing the court will accept you leave there as insurance that you will not skip town, fail to attend court when the time for discussing why you broke government property, 'a mere padlock and a chain'. 

You are just reading a story right? Is that what your mind tells you right now? You are just getting entertained right? But let me ask you something simple... What is a bond? Wow. You can explain it... Okay, let's ask another, what is government property? Is a Parking Clamp government property? See what i mean? Our mind takes in more than we give it credit for.

Now that we know this, isn't it time to use it to our advantage?

We all want certain things, we want love, we want wonderful relationships, we want cars, we want castles, we want personal assistant, we want chefs to make us prawns in our home kitchens, we want to run our business in profitable ways. We want someone to wipe the sh of our **** after we seat on the toilets.

Then how do we get all these?

I think the first thing is to want these thing, wanting something you don't have is a product of imagination. At the moment, I will leave the reality I see with my real eyes, take a mental trip to day dream land and imagine myself kissing my girl, I will imagine myself jumping onto a horse, riding it really fast she gets impressed her heart skips for me. Then after I imagine that, I will make the decision on how to create a plan on how I can bring that imagination into reality. And that's when I decide to call my girl. 

"babe, I miss Naivasha..."


"I thought you would say you missed me."

"I miss Naivasha."

"come on!"

"we go horse riding."

"I will kill all those horses, tell me you miss me."

"I love you"

"then after horses we go to SoPa"

"I love that place"

"I miss you, I love you. See you in Naivasha Saturday."

"there pepper steak is really awesome."



And just like that, from the database I have collected of hotels since my childhood, I am able to make a decision about which hotel will best suit us, which town will best give us that relaxing atmosphere. And with that I make a decision to turn my imagination in reality.

You can deny it all you want, but it doesn't make it untrue. We all hold certain facts in our minds, different ones, and those facts are what we use to make decisions. And thats what shapes out lives. And most those facts make up our subconscious mind, things we think about but we don't realize we thing about.

Stuff you inherit from your family, the ones that came before you. That passive income is a must, not a luxury. You can't just depend on a salary to live, you have to have an income on the side that comes in regardless whether you are in hospital, fired, retrenched or too bored to work. But if you don't have that, imagine it, then after imagining it, create a plan to make it happen. Yes... The first thing you will come up with is real estate, good idea, collect rent at the end of the month na kazi yako tu nikushuta shuta. 

But that's what everyone does to get passive income, but since you haven't bothered to watch business news, engage with business people, learn about it through observation, reading, practice and thought. Your database on business is shallow, you don't know what a corporate bond is, what a treasury bond is, so even if you were to create a plan on how to create passive income your plan will be shallow. And therefore even though you want a constant passive income, I might beat you on the race to create one cause I let myself learn though thinking, observing, practice, but most of all cause I believe in the power of the subconscious.

Do you remember the thing I was telling you about the subconscious, the mind taking in more than you think it's taking in? 

I've always wanted to write something on paper, as a hobby, but translate it into something that can sell like hot cake on a book shelf. And I created this blog partly to get experience. 

People will tell you... You are writing about love too much, you are writing about this too much... This post is boring... This one changed my life... This one did that... This one does that... And then there are the statistics... With every post I write, I learn something, with every post I write, I gain experience, and I make a conscious effort to analyze what I infer. Some of these I think about consciously, some subconsciously. 

I always wonder why I am so eager to write on weekends, I have never known why, but after carefully trying to find out why. I found out that it's cause I get new viewers on weekends, so I try to emphasize on that to get as many as I can get. But I never quite think about it consciously, it's stuff that is at the back of my mind. 

When you upload such a photo, usually the tone of your inboxes turn into naughty, when you update something funny usually people jump to comment, we don't think about these a lot, but at the back of our mind we have thought about it, made a decision to update that, because we want this. We have learnt the system, we have learnt Facebook, we have learnt google plus, we have learnt twira, so we will definitely make better decision than a new user, unless of course e have studied it before experience, right?

If you ask me, it's time you decided what you want, and be imaginative about it, then it's time you came up with a plan on how to get it. At first your plan might be shallow, cause all you will be doing is copying other people's plans. Wear a short skirt to make him want you! After knowing the game better, you realize, leave the skirt alone, for him to want you he needs to be addicted to your company. 

Once you get into the habit of for example seating in court writing a post like this, your eyes, your ears, your nose, your thoughts, your sense of touch will catch more things than you think, they will form an information database in your mind, that will help you make better decisions to win your cases more than a newbie.

Like...sometimes advocates move up country for cases, sometimes advocates have the court clerk numbers on speed dial just to find out if a judge or magistrate  is seating, sometimes that is helpful cause your client might get arrested on Friday for breaking some Parking Clamp, and he will be in a cell. But if you had the court clerks number, you could call the clerk, to ask the judge to make an apperance in court for five minutes even if it is on Friday afternoon, and allow your client to leave there car log book as bond, so that he doesn't spend the weekend in a cell for something so small.

That something no one learns in law school. That something you learn when you seat at the court room and stuff registers in your subconscious. 

Cause at the end of the day, whether it is fashion, love, relationships, religion, life or even cooking. You aim at something that is not a state that exists in real life, it's only a state you imagine in your mind most of the time of something better, and once you aim at something you make a decision on how to get that something, and that decision will be guided by the level of knowledge you have, and the level of knowledge you have depends on your database of information, and your database of information depends on how much quality stuff you have put in your mind through your five senses, sight, touch, ears, taste, thought. 

We are all making decisions, you might want to say am not good enough, am not smart enough, am not... But most of these things we think we aren't good enough at- we are not good enough at cause in that area we don't make as good enough decisions as people who are better in those areas than us. Why don't we make good decisions, cause we have not established a large enough database through absorbing information through our five senses.

If it is to flirt you want, create a database, watch with your sense of sight all you can, hear with your ears, touch with your hands, feel, absorb all the information you can through experience on flirting, and I bet you right, when you are saturated, you will make the perfect decision through your subconscious, when to smile, when to laugh, when to kiss, when not to kiss, how best to care. What do do with your tongue... 

I believe in the subconscious, I have tried to logically explain it. But the phenomenon that I will never quite understand is love, and how I feel when I see my girlfriend. 

I believe in understanding the subconscious, I don't believe in understanding love though, I believe in feeling it. I rest my case.