When one is shaken up nothing really matters.
There was the Tsunami prediction. I have heard of predictions before. It can't be very well calculated. So sleepless nights have been the order of the day, a little noise outside and at my window staring out. Deciding how I will keep myself safe.
I even asked my friends what they would do if there was a catastrophe such as that. I wanted to see who has the wittiest answer of them all. I would run to the kitchen get some food plus water, cause I hear people get trapped in blocks of fallen building for days.
You can believe the terror I have writing this, my hands shake, my superstitious are high. Family fm is on, cause that's where I have comfort. Cause they keep singing verses of the Bible in songs. I trust God, Jesus, man can gain the world but it's all worthless if he loses his soul.
So you have a chopper over the roof top, you have gained the world. You haven't been an angel. You haven't helped anyone, you haven't had a relationship with God, cause that's what He wants.
Then the earth shakes, windows start breaking, people run to the car parks to shield themselves, but you know no one really can no what happens no matter how bright you are.
I can't know what happen, no matter how well I think about it, cause the worlds knowledge is good but to Heaven it's foolishness. School, capitalism, cars are important but this relationship is important and being good is cooler than being bad.
So, I am all scared about this Tsunami, so scared that it shook everything in my life but the most important things stood firm, Heaven and family, friends and what not, being good etc
And instead of just concentrating on how well I can handle disaster. I choose to trust God, cause when the earth shakes, water swipes away everything, no matter where you run, the windows will follow you, the stones will fall on you, even at the car park. Do the best you can and hope for the best. Just hope.
Now to call home, my folks, ask them what they will do if that happens God forbid, but I guess if I talk to them theough the whole process, God forbid they will panic less and know what's important if it happened God forbid. Run the best way they can, when I ran and I can't hide, I know whose name to call. Jesus. And hope He answers, I know He will cause I consider Him and my family's His people...