Sunday, 26 February 2012


There are models, then those models have a sub-group of a smaller group of models that are super models, and those super models form another group and thus when you have the super model of super models.

You make better decisions towards a goal than the average person does and all of a sudden you are above the crowd. The crowd is average. Hence the name average. Smart is always better than average. Smart people are always a smaller crowd than the average people. Then genius is an even smaller crowd. If everyone is unique then it's not unique anymore. If everyone is a genius then it's not genius anymore. The appeal of a genius is that a person who has put more effort than everyone else and is at the top on another level above everyone else in that field.

You do realize that Gucci has lost it's appeal cause it's turned into a mass product.

There is being smart. That can take you far. But then smart just puts you ahead of the crowd. Genius puts you on top of everything. 

What I consider genius is not what everyone considers genius. I have been reading about genius since the invention of words, am ready to listen to what you have to say cause it's important to listen. But with that said here me out, cause these is something I have thought about for more years than you have. 

I consider a genius a genius if the genius produces something new. Yes, brilliant new things. I consider Shakespeare a genius cause during his time I don't think literature had developed in such a way it has today. And yet at that time he came up with brilliant pieces. No, it doesn't matter that that South African literature professor wants to dig him up cause he thinks he used to smoke pot.

I consider the guy who came up with the Turbo engine in cars a genius. Cause that's productive. He must have looked at the car engine as a piece of art. He enjoyed it cause art is the thing you enjoy. Things with design. I bet he wanted the car to move faster, that was what he wanted before he invented it. Probably he slept on it, probably he spent hours doing research, and after all that probably as he had a shower or listened to some uplifting music, he decided his invention shall be called the Turbo Engine. And I consider that guy a genius, cause cars have moved faster since his design.

I consider musicians geniuses, the successful ones. I bet it's a complicated process involved in a successful music career. Cause genius is about productivity, and mostly production of new things.

I guess a musicians goal is to have a successful music career, true to her art, yet at the same time having enough to feed her. 

I have always thought sometimes all you need is natural talent, disregard everything else, but I guess I was wrong. I have always loved the idea of a short cut to everything. But that's not a valid path. 

I would use the word genius lightly on a musician who tops the charts while in fact most of the songs she sings were written for her. Unless of cause her passion is not quite creating music but topping the charts. 

I would use the word genius very lightly on a musician who plays no major role in determining what her album cover is. I understand that the greater you are, the more specialized your work is. You have someone to draw your album cover, you have someone to control the public perception of you, you know publicist, you have someone to make sure your albums are distributed well enough to fit their demand. But if this takes place without your involvement then I don't consider you genius. I consider you genius if you are the C.E.O of all these, everything passes through you, from the album cover drafts, the marketing strategies etc

If all that is in your control, and somehow you end up having the must fulfilling music career, electrifying shows, powerful performance, awesome PR, then I consider the success of your music career as a result of your genius as a whole. 

However, if you just write good songs, and sing well, I would consider you a song-writing genius, if you perform well I consider you a performing genius. 

I believed in taking a short cut, but my exposure to more knowledge has taught me differently, nothing teaches like experience does. For you to properly have a successful career you must work hard. Cause it always comes down to the decisions you make.

What to write about, how to write it, how to get feed back from your fans, what feedback to take seriously and what not to, how to market yourself, how to produce something new, how to do things differently for the result you seek.

Hard work is what wakes you up in the morning to write, Practise makes perfect across the board. So no matter how talented you are, you must realize that you know a lot but there is still more to learn, and when you learn it the decisions you make about issues are the best.

If you fall ill you see a doctor, a doctor listens to you, analysizes your situation, makes a decision on how to treat your ailment, what drugs to use etc 

It's the same in courting. As much as love happens let's talk reality. Some people are more on demand than others. No, please don't catch feelings, this is on a science perspective. Some people are on demand more than others are.

Let's talk sex, men and their quest for sex. It all comes down to decisions. You want to court, then you firstly have to make a decision to get out of the house. As much as you are attractive, you are only attractive when you are around people, cause it's people that find you attractive and therefore want to court you. The larger the crowd, the more your beauty is appreciated, the larger the crowd, the more your beauty is appreciated, the greater election of mates to choose from.

So, when someone calls you a genius trust me to interview you. I will ask you what you want from your music career. If the paramount reason is making money. I will ask you what you have done to ensure that? Are you doing more shows, are you putting most of your effort in marketing? Are you the one making the decisions that bring you that fortune? Or are you the one making the decisions about the people who make decisions to make money? 

I consider Shakespeare a genius even though I dont know much about him cause... For one, he started writing when writing was not the usual thing to do. I bet he even had a limitation of words when he started out, language had not developed as much as it has now. I consider him a genius cause his aim was not to ever die. Has he ever died? Really? Has he...

My ambitions are a private affair, but you can trust that I am going to make the best decisions I can to achieve them. My ambitions are a private affair, I realize that one can't have perfect knowledge, but as I always say there are decisions that are closer to perfect than others.

And how do you make better decisions than the average person in your field to succeed. You work hard, you put effort, and you clearly define your goals.

I have put down my goals about this, and every decision I make I have thought about, I have researched about, I know some may look ridiculous but isn't that what genius is? Producing new things.

A couple of people have called me genius. I accept the complement cause it's the cutious thing to do. But at the back of my mind it drops down to my intentions and decisions. Is the reason why they call me genius rooted from the decision I made?

A toast to discovery what hard work and passion can do. Smart people realize the power of a Monday morning to their career. But a genius makes Saturday Monday cause she has to learn the perfect dance routines, if it makes her sweat out all her energy it doesn't matter. She will notice that her voice affects her breathing in live performances, she will get into water and Practise to hold her breath.

And when she is on the stage for thirty minutes, everything will be perfect, cause she spent three hundred hours practicing for those thirty minutes. And her performance will be electrifying, and you will call her genius cause she creates the perfect live audience performance. 

Perfect lighting, wonderful voice, perfect dance routines, perfect marketing so the stage is packed, best pricing for the ticket, a little stunt to get on the papers, a YouTube video to make the performance last forever, album on sale at the entrance...