Tuesday, 17 July 2012

He came to say Hi to me as I posted this.

Am in court, a few minutes ago I was at my tailors. Successful men have tailors. He was fixing my sweater. My sweater is grey, and mute in pastel. That's stylish. It is a three piece. I bought it long ago, there were three of them, a navy blue one, a maroon one, and the grey one. The grey one is the one I picked. It's one of those pieces you get that define your wardrobe. Two years down the line, even if you wanted to get one like this, no matter how badly, you just can't. I love it, and that it was why it was at the tailors. 

Half of the lawyers here I know. The guys behind me are making jokes about giving the judge a hundred bob to make him come seat instead of having his break. It's definitely a joke, since 100 bob. Really? I think they are talking to each other loud enough for me to hear. Cause am smiling and they notice. Such civilians. 

One of the lawyers standing in front is a father to one of my childhood friends. We used to play in his mansion when we were kids, no, let's not call it a mansion, let's give credit to where it is due. We used to play in his versed estate. I think he is one of the people who inspired me to go to law school. When I was a kid I used to notice how he had his cars polished. Yes, waxed, and what not. The windows sprayed with that special soap for windows. He had a number of cars but his BMW was only used on special occasions. It used to lie there in the garage sparkling from being well-maintained, the car actually smelled of actual leather inside even though one window was always opened. It was an old one, but it looked new. It looked prestigious, it was the kind people are proud to drive. 

"yes, you have a new BMW..."

"but I have been driving one before you even realized they are good cars..."

It was that kind. 

Peugeot. That was the car he used on an everyday basis, Friday he used the BMW. The Peugeot was white, that time Peugeot were something. They still are. But that time, before Prados and SUVs they were quite something. 

He drove it fast, it was as neat. 

Here he is now, those days we used to run with his kids upstairs after checking out the car. Then play video games, watch a movie. Wash the chicken, yes, we used to drown them just for fun. Even then I was merciful, I used to only heat them with a broom, a light broom, trying to train them to obey orders.

"kukus get into one room..."

"get into one room"

We were totally kids. Probably that's what I will do with my kids to. I will expose them to the right things, I will hang out with them in the office, I will let them go to the cockpit in planes, I will go pick the car from Dt. Dobie with them, or CMC, so that they are exposed to the right things. Imagine if all they did was watch those movies with strippers, and war people and what not. Imagine if I didn't go visiting my friend when I was a kid, and loved the way lawyers operate. I wouldn't be here, seated in this court room really mad that the judge hasn't showed up yet. Get back here from your lunch break already!