Anyways am not planning to stop cause am here for me. To keep me insane, sorry, meant am here for me, to keep me sane.
Its all about looking at the world in my eyes, and recording it on a blank piece of paper. Books say profit is money. I say profit is money to, but more than that it could be the ability to make enough to take the afternoon off and play golf, or pick your kid from school. I could say profit is freedom to do what you want and do less of what you don't want to do. When you make a profit, you can employ someone to do your accounts rather than you doing them yourself. Therefore profit is profit as books say it is in numbers, but my book, my blog, my observation of the world says profit is more than numbers, it could be freedom to relax and not having to toil all day. Hence the golf on Monday afternoon & tennis on Tuesday afternoon. Paid someone to do my work for me so that I can have my fun.
That's why I can't fuckn stop to write, hata kama some ***** refuse to share, and some **** refuse to get wet at my words. Some do, but today am being all negative. Am breaking down. But I can't break down to long, cause its a bad road; negativity, at the end of this post. I will resolve to look forward and move ahead.
A lot of factors play in getting one into such a mood. The first was that I texted this girl, and she hasn't texted back. So I got a little pissed. Then I found mbuzi meat for dinner and felt worse. I are mbuzi meat yesterday. I need a change of diet.
Sasa I was on edge properly, anything could piss me at that moment. All of a sudden someone was trying to watch news and it was loud. Double crap. I walked out leaving the food on my table.
Next thing was inboxing some ramdom chic ' how do you like my blog?' She simply said she doesn't read. Yeah, and yet she expected me to continue chatting to her.
As if the night couldn't get worse. I decided. I needed to get into bed. The floor was cold and my feet were freezing. I get into bed, wear my earphones press play on my ipod. Hold my Ipad in my hand ready to write something, cause that's what make me feel better.
Just when am in bed, the lights are off. Am covered in my blankets ready to write something that will steal your heart away in such a way it will make my heart feel nice.
The batter life starts giving that stupid notification. 5% of battery life left. Fuck. So I spend almost 3minutes trying to get where the charger is, its not plugged on the wall. After wasting so much time, I remember I had left it in the sitting room. Oh come on. All that way?
Fuck. I have no choice so I leave. Out of the door, to the sitting room. I meet people on the way who want to talk and I don't want to. I don't want to be rude. I end up rude. With one worded answers, so that they can let me go back to my room since I don't want to talk. Crap. Now I have been unkind to the people I love.
Like that is not enough. I get to my room, back to the same old long process. Lights off, get in bed, position my pillows, position myself, get comfortable, plug the Ipad charger. Hold it next to the walk switch cause the idiots Ipad calls geniuses who make ipads, don't think it reasonable to give long extention cables. So if you want to use it as it charges, you have to almost press your body on the wall as if you life line depends on it. Charge. Nkt.
So I start to write, and since I am to be a lawyer one day, I can't be writing things I can't quite write what am thinking. I have to be decent. So it doesn't flow as easily as it does when I write this. No it doesn't! Not at all. Its like am thinking hard as a write. While writing this feels like I am writing first before I think. Which makes it fun. Its like am venting out.
Have you ever just spoken without having to think what people will say. This is what it feels like, only better. If you are wondering where am writing this. If anyone is reading this, if no one is reading this. Argh, I don't care. Am writing this from my blackberry, yes the one with a broken screen cause...
Before I was writing this, I was googling 'why is my Ipad not charging even when it shows it is charging?' You know what I found? Unplug, reset, reboot. Nonsense. So it went off as I was trying to write the insincere stuff I was writing.
Anyways, fuck all. I don't care right now. But don't I care. Cause my heart tells me, hey bobby. If you write any longer than this you will spoil it. Leave it like this.
That's all. Gnyt
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