There comes a time in every man's life that he realizes he has to find for himself. He might have, yes but that is given. Man doesn't have as many parts as a woman to flaunt, man cannot give birth, that is a reserve for women. And I am disgusted by those who attempt to.
To me a developed country is a country that allows for women and men to develop. Therefore, I find it thoroughly annoying to learn that we have countries that have very high suicide rates and high levels of loneliness that aren't us but yet, some stupid indexes call it development. As much as it's about roads for development to happen, as much as it's about such infrastructure what is the point if people are killing themselves for no good reason. Is that development? Is development loneliness? Is it? Here we are, a friendly country, people spend more on airtime talking to one another, then some idiot says we are underdeveloped, boss, we watch news too, and the corruption levels in your countries are ridiculously high too, you have slavery and all that shit. You have never mined minerals and what not...let me not get fired up, but please, underdeveloped? I am questioning the whole concept, include suicide rates, include broken families, include all that in your calculation, and tell me what you have at the end of the day...
Regardless, as I was saying, there comes a time in life when a man becomes a man, and in a man their is that desire to use muscle, only that we are now in the information age, were information is power, so the muscles we use are our mind, we are leaving the information age though, moving to the specialization age. Where, more than information you want consultant experts for even your image, you know publicist, you paying entourages. Your hair has to be done by someone who went to hair design school. See where am going with this?
A proper country to me is a country that enables people to develop, in whatever ways they please. That allows people, women, men to quest for something put their energies towards it, and accomplish.
We are here, and we are in this country, this is the jungle, it has paths know by everyone to excel, but the most popular ones are the ones advertised on television. You know Politicians are thieves, cause all they talk about wherever you read or watch news is a politician stealing. So, in an attempt to become a man, get for yourself a piece of this world for you and those you hope to bring to this world, you look for ways to get it.
You try this, you try that, you get frustrated trying that and this. Your wallet feels like you going to the gym, you keep on paying to get bigger and all you do is get smaller muscles. Then you leave going to the gym and become ordinary.
Unless an extraordinary path avails itself, a chance to get into politics, all you want to do is jump for it, for the money, for the power and for the influence. Why? Cause that is the definition of politicians you have heard about, no one will talk about the good, they will talk about the bad, and the bad being embezzling, which is good cause you get to get a piece of your world in half the time.
I never look at office as a chance to make a piece of the world for myself, I try to resist that urge as much as I can. If I want to change the world and serve people on a full-time basis, I will run for office, but if I want to grab a larger chunk of the world I will run something.
Not the ones I have been given, how would it sound...
"dad, so when did you get this?"
"that is your grandfather got..."
"daddy, what about this?"
"this your grandmother bought, she decided to rent it out cause she didnt like the stairs..."
"what about you daddy, what did you get..."
And right there you sit in a house your parents bought you, and live in it with the wife you got for yourself. No pride, no stories, interesting ones or boring ones to tell how the economy hit you sometime, and you had to struggle, and you had to take the bank manager for lunch so that he could give you sometime to pay back, none? Where is your pride? Please don't throw that party and talk about are tired of hearing about your conquest, no? Then why should I stop? Cause it is nothing you can stand by and be completely proud about, maybe a little proud but not completely. There is your reason to tone down or stop.
So, what am I saying. I have my moms blood running through my veins, I have my pops energy running through me, I have everything it takes.
You try grab a piece of the world for yourself, and the first thing it does is that it frustrates you, cause everything seems like a goldmine, and the same everything seems nothing like a goldmine, or a goldmine already taken. I am not waiting for a time when the economy will be just right, or when am older, I am ready now to go through the five stages of loss in everything business.
Denial: I am ready to be in denial, cause when I am in denial that the best you can do is have what was built for you, rather than build for yourself, then that denial is what is going to make me a champion, cause that's what having the balls to do something is, if you thought a lion was a cat you would fight with it, sometimes even win, but the moment you aren't in denial that it is a lion, then you will not fight. I want to be in denial, that politics is not equal to money for me, I want to stay in denial, so that I make mine and never beg for votes to keep it.
Anger: Then I will fail, and I will get angry that the structures we have in place are meant to favor some people. That it is easier for me to make a million backed by family than it is to make it on my own, I want to be angry that I can't go to the jungle looking for my fortune alone, that is after I have come out of denial.
Bargain: After moving out of denial followed by anger, I want to move to bargaining, I want to start bargaining with myself. Okay, maybe I could learn Kikuyu, advertise tribalism like politicians do, then grab a chunk for myself. But in bargaining that I know my friends, my family will give me a cold eye. I will take the next option since all else has failed, I will go back home, ask how home made it, and tell them I want to do the same, not that I am ungrateful about what they have done for me, cause I owe it to myself to make it for myself.
Depression: And I will become depressed, I will become depressed that I have tried, I have thought of ways, and I have run out, I will have been put to a place where I can't rise up without help, that I can't do it on my own, cause we have a stupid government that ensures that if you want to have, you must have first, which is kind of like a rat having a cats ball. Yes, I mean paged!
Acceptance: And I will enter into the last stage, acceptance, I will accept that that is the way things are, that the world pushes me down with as much extra force as I am trying to push myself up. But I will not give up, I will redo the cycle again, I will never accept that I can't grab a big chuck of the world on my own, I just can't. Then what will I do if I accept, no seriously, tell me, sex? That is what is going to determine how much a man I am? For how long? I will always be in denial that I have to be a politician to make it, always! That is why, every time I am in the stage where I accept the realities of the world, I will go back to the denial stage.
And after denial, I will become angry, I will become angry at the world and at systems for not letting me grab what is in the world that is mine but someone else has it, or the that is in the world that I haven't discovered yet. I will get angry, then I will get to the bargaining stage, and every time I am at the bargaining stage I will look home, and realize that I don't have to get my hands soaked in blood to make it, and I will ask for help, and I will make sure I ask it in a way that home doesn't get offended by seeming not to appreciate what home has given me.
And I will go to the stage of acceptance, and the cycle will end at acceptance for 90% of the world, cause 10% of the world owns the world, but my cycle always begins a fresh at acceptance, it will continue again until...
"Daddy, daddy... What is this car called?"
"this is a Bentley my daughter..."
"daddy, why can't I draw with a sharp object on it?"
"let me tell you a story..."
Once upon a time, I started a business, and all my employees were thieves, I fired them all, I was eighteen at that time, just like you will be in ten years...