Sunday, 15 January 2012

Set In Stone

Be very picky on the cab you choose to use, cause they may have more danger than the danger on the streets at night. By being picky I don't mean choose a cab that has shiny rims where the cab guy realizes you are the kind to seat at the back left and not the co-drivers seat... I mean at least use a cab that has been used by somebody you know, or at least have the cab guys numbers, why? cause once my pal was held at gun point somewhere in the dark streets of Westlands. He is okay don't worry. He told those thugs that he had exams the next day and he was already fucked up. I guess with all the depression in the world, no one can tank a guy with a sense of humor. 

Yes, since we talk about cabs let me tell you why I love cabs, I love cabs cause you can ride to a bank broke in a cab, try doing that with a bus. I love cabs cause cab drivers are the most interesting of characters. Gone are the days when you could tell your berber stuff. Now you tell your berber stuff and he wants keys to your vacant houses, why... cause by virtue of telling him stuff you are friends, and then when he gives you a bad hair cut, let's just say you can't have the management fire your friend. So, I stopped telling stuff to my berber, I don't tell him hello, I don't tell him how I want my hair done, you might be wondering how my hair looks right now, don't worry cause I fired his sorry ass! Okay, I haven't yet, but I will fire his sorry ass. Once I have the balls to walk around firing people who I am not even the bosses of. Where can I get those balls? I want to buy them. You can buy everything nowadays right? Once I get them, the first thing I would do is fire everyone in some other Total Petrol station in Mombasa, every one there oh yes, followed by cops, I would just walk into a Police Station shouting, You, You and You, You are Fired, get the fuck out! And it is possible, especially when your shoes are worth a small car, thats what society has become, mine aren't though, they are probably worth... So let me stick with the balls I have, since you dames and sirs have bluntly refused to direct me to the shop I need to visit to buy balls that will give me the balls to fire staff I didn't hire. 

"Wow, your car sounds like a safari rally man..."
And that's how I started the conversation. You give a person a complement first, and they will listen to all the bull about yourself you want to talk about. Oh he listened, that cab guy listened, what I didn't know was that he was also chatty. Diarrhea right out of his mouth. Dammit. I say this, he says something back. It's not okay to have an answer for everything all the time, but to have the wrong answer for everything all the time. I didn't damn ask you for your opinion, if I wanted opinions I would have asked my blog readers for some, oh wait, sorry, I meant I would have bought a newspaper, or updated my Facebook status. Who the hell do you think needs a cab from lifestyle to galitos during the freaking day? I got into your damn car for you to listen to me, and not for you to give me your stupid opinions about the stuff am telling you. But you know, when you think before you talk you come up with stuff like...

"Am sure one day you would love to drive a Subaru..."
Yes, instead of... 
"shut you... And listen to me."
But guess what we were talking about him instead of me. Cause I got into a cab during the day to talk about the driver nkt! But you know, when lemons, something, something...make lemonade.

I decided I will listen to his opinion, and they contrasted with mine much more louder than his exhaust pipe. He talked about something something learning to not want for himself. Something something it is painful to wish then not have, so he just wants to not wish for anything but just live. It felt wise at first, everything feels wise at first, until you close your eyes and let out curse words in your head, quietly. What he said about contentment felt wise at first but then you know too much of something is poisonous, he was to complaisant and passive. He seemed too flat. He could have been blowing his nose or something like that all that time for all i care, to me the noise his mouth was making sounded exactly like a bad cold. I didn't tip him. I just walked out of his cab in traffic.

And the next morning I woke up feeling like I wanted to run, jump or fly. I woke up so sure of my destiny like I was sure I was sleeping on a bed with her. Just to confirm it wasn't all a dream, her and my destiny, I pinched her somewhere private. She woke up with such great alarm, but I shut the alarm.  With a kiss. She smiled. I had touched her, and felt that she was real, I tried to touch my destiny but realized it was invisible. And they say that girls see the future better than men do, when you are thinking sports car equals to more sex, they are thinking house equals to home. And if it is true that the girl of your dreams is the one that can feel your destiny in her heart, then I had to know mine. At that very moment I kissed her, and that kiss felt as fresh as our first kiss, she is definately the girl that stole my ribs, so I asked her, if she knew whether  I would be a success? 

"one minute..."

She jumped out of bed and left the room. I was on the bed, I don't sleep with the curtains open, so help me...if you ever disturb my view. Palm trees danced outside, forming shadows from the security lights pointing at them, there were no stars in the sky, their is a hotel with flashing lights at a distance though, a complete sky scrapper, they could as well be stars, and let's imagine the airplanes in the night skies are like shooting stars, I could really use a wish right now. And those birds, oh those birds singing at night must have been really drunk. No, tell me what bird do you think sings at night? High birds.

She hadn't come back yet, probably she had gone to get me something to eat, midnight snack or something, yes, my babe is a real sweetheart. I didn't want to think about it, but I thought about it, I thought of grey scarfs, I thought of rich maroon leather gloves, I thought of superstar diamonds reflecting off my wife's earrings, I thought of large powerful glass tables and me seating on the most comfortable luxurious seat. I saw myself in big courts, I saw that the judge almost dare not to oppose me cause I had made my name speak like reputation does. You know, it's reputation that cleans the desk for you, reserves for you parking spaces in a crowded seat, marks your tables RSVP at breakfast in foreign hotel. It's not good help, it's not good hotel service, it's reputation that paves your way. Bobby is on his way, fix that, move that there, buy that, spray this, Bobby just goofs around his rocking chair before he takes a really long lunch break at the club, he let's his junior lawyers do all the work only to take the credit, but it's okay, he pays them really well, and they get him really big clients, oh I loved it, problem is it was all in my mind, and my baby had not yet come back to bed to assure me that that was my destiny.

Yes, she came back empty handed, with a long tshirt. No cake with castard, the one she makes a fuss about, no soda, no water, just her, she slid back to bed, almost ready to sleep. And I was thinking, what the hell, I didn't want to spoon, I wanted to know what she felt in her heart about my being destined for greatness. My grandmother said I was destined for greatness, my mom repeats it more than you breath, I wanted to know what the girl of my dreams thought.

And what did she do? She curled up like comfort does and took a deep breath ready to get to part two of her sleep. Yes, I pinched her again.

And she sat up in the bed, she hugged my head, and she told me, babe...just look around, you already are great, just look around baby, you already are great, just look around babe, you already are on the way to everything great... And I could feel something stir up in me, and as she hugged me tighter, and assured me more, I felt it. I could see it in that dark room with curtains open and the bedside lamp shining as dim as a bright candle. I didnt feel it completely but she said it so many times I believed it more and more. And as she described it better, I could see it, and I can't remember what she said last but what she said last made me believe she was the girl of my dreams completely and at that very moment I felt I wanted to run, I wanted to fly, I felt like everything was meant to happen, all I had to do was stretch my hand and seize what is for me.

And I reached out and I grabbed her, and we banged a good one, and there is something that creams real romance, music, and the playlist she had made for me, made it love. 

It was different from the night before, the night before was lovely yes, it had a little dress and she did a little dance, she turned and faced the three large windows that my bed faces, did a little drop of clothes and her giggly things, now you see why I have that soft carpet there, now you see why I love large rooms, now you see why I like her hair like that, now you see why I like things large like that, it had taken me sometime the night before before jumping on her.

But this night patience was an alien I was running away from...

Dames and sirs, here you are reading another of my posts, you are here but you feel it best that you make me feel like my words should be lonely. Just kill my destiny readers, go on, let your silence reject my heart until all it's confidence is gone to the point it's words are shaky.

With love,