Remember the first day to any academically institution? I mean everything but nursery school, which they call kindergarten. Maybe they call it kindergarten now cause nursery is like a nursery bed for roses. Why did they drop that name anyways?
Anyways, a little advice, when no one knows anyone, be the first to talk to everyone that seems will be someone. So, whenever I join a new institution, and I join a couple from French classes to business school, to etiquette class, to none-of-your-business class, I am always the last to get into the classroom. I get in through the front door. I do a quick survey on who is who and that is the person I seat next to.
"hey? What class is this?"
"Financial Management"
"cool, what's the lecturers name?"
"he hasn't told us yet..."
And I get out a blank book from my bag, place it on the table. And that is how it begins.
"young man, what's your name sir?"
"it's nice of you to grace as with your presence."
He is obviously being sarcastic about my being late on the first day. Problem is, he forgets, am not in primary school, am not in high school, dammit this isn't even the first university I have been to since I cleared high school. How does he know I don't have kids at home... I decide what I will do. Piss him off.
So class continues. I am busy looking for people to borrow a pen from, ask the time, the people I intend to be friends with, it's all about seeing ahead isn't it? If campus is boring then it's upon me to make it fun. And that's what I was doing, hey? Can I have a pen? Hey am Bob. What's your name? Nice bra. No? Okay. Let's move on.
"excuse me sir, are you following what we are saying?"
"so tell me what is the most important thing to do prior to starting a business"
He wants me to say research the market. But why give him that?
"...umh, starting the business itself."
"have you been listening?"
"yes, but I still think the most important thing is to actually start the business..."
"care to explain to the class?"
He put me on the spot all right, everyone was asked to turn to page ten which I later came to find out had a list of type of entrepreneurs.
"...I once read on the paper that there is a new type of entrepreneur, they are called the serial entrepreneurs, what they simply do is not so much spend time analyzing the market at the beginning, they just start of and see where the business will take them, after setting shop then they start to do their accounts and what not." random huh? If it were to me I would call them... Wait for it... Wait for it... Random Entrepreneurs!
"you mean to tell me that your basing this class on newspaper articles?"
I feel myself starting to shake a little, especially my legs I guess it's cause he was getting angry, maybe I stepped too far, maybe I should stop. I should stop. Leave it there, that's what I should do.
"...but news papers are the ones that started talking about mPesa before it made it's debut into text books. In fact, when a business becomes successful in real life that's when the idea of how it's run comes into books. Actually books are a recording of what we perceive the world to be and the world changes that's why there are revived editions."
Anyways, you all now know why I wasn't able to attend that class. I guess that lecturer is not such a fan, yeah? Such a bummer dont you think? He can pee on himself and shove those books up his ****
But here me out, who you siding with him or me? Didn't books say that since mobile phones, analogue watches would become as extinct as dinosaurs? Then aren't there books that tried to explain why watches have become more in demand as mainly jewelry rather than time-pieces? I don't think you can do business well if you don't sometimes choose to challenge assumptions, it's critical analytical thinking. The best business schools in the world have it as the first topic in their curriculum, I have done there curriculum, what was that lecturer trying to tell me? Arrogant man, he was. Wasn't he? Am glad you agree.
Anyways, that's partly how I ended up to law school. But am studying differently, don't look at my grades cause some units aren't things to smile about. Not to worry though, positive thinking.
"it is here?"
And in my arms is a girl with red eyes, this is Mombasa and she has wrapped herself in a sweater holding onto my arm tight. Police stations are such ironic places, you see S600 coupe-like-Mercedes Benz in a police station, half crushed in an accident, as new as day, I bet that's the first time that car has stepped on such sandy gravel. Its used to the lash surburbs with leafs and shades, and if not that it's in town where we have Tarmac all over, we are almost having tarmac in buildings in town, high rise buildings but in the middle of it all are some hopeless small buildings, completely neglected by those who appropriate funds in government. At the heart of the city, you see poverty stricken building structures, you see the police station. See the irony? Everything else in town over the past century has been upgraded, except the police station, right there at the heart of the city. If a city is a child, and the heart is the police station, we have a heart of a child in the body of an adult.
Is that where the red eyed girl sad and I were heading for help? Was it? Such a hopeless institution is it even resources enough to catch a computer less thief? Leave alone a fly, Come on?
We went there out of procedure, with a little hope that maybe a miracle will happen and justice will be served. Get it? (knocking your head a little) I mean, justice is never served that's why it would be a miracle.
"where can I get an abstract?"
"next office"
We soiled our shoes looking for the next office.
"where can I get an abstract?"
"go back to the office you came from."
Okay. What the... We went back. And that is when I saw opportunity. When we walked to the reception there was this lady, she was in her uniform. Brown light skin, beautiful, young, nice hair, she talked well, so you could tell she had a good education, she used coined terms such as Wall of Text. Do you know what that means? It means grammatically incorrect...generally a poorly written paragraph. You know someone got a good education when they used more coined terms rather than explain stuff in details.
"come between 8am and 12pm, that's when you can get an abstract."
As we walked out of the police station with the girl I was with. I tried to take her mind off her red eyes.
"you know that receptionist is fly?"
"yeah she was reading a Sydney Sheldon."
"maybe I could date her?"
"she is a police person you know?"
"that's my point, it will be good for my grades?"
She let go of my hand.
"no think about it, I want to be a great lawyer, and to be a great lawyer you have to go the extra mile and do what other lawyers don't do."
"how does that relate to anything?"
"same thing, to be a great lawyer you must be a great law student, and to be a great law student you must do more than what other law students do"
Yeah. I got her eyes white after a while. I was glad they weren't as red as before. Anyways, people, my girlfriend will be reading this so, let me clear the air before she sends her dogs after me. No am serious, she is the kind that will go to the National Park, collect hungry lions, lock me in a house and release them on me.
So, Babe, am not going to date a police woman, am just going to be friends with her, she can tell me stories and that way, what I study my criminal law notes will come to life like movies do. Do you want me kicked out of law school like I was in business school? C you want me to challenge the education system out of class and not in class? At least am trying to be happy at what am already doing, aren't I babe? Isn't that's what is important? My happiness.
She releases dogs after me; I run out like the wind. I've left haiyayeeee.