Someone tell me how I can keep a girl like her. I found her, I courted her, but I have a feeling she wants to leave? And that scares me to denial, I want to stay in denial cause if I imagine tragedy before it happens then I will not enjoy the last more moments.
I love her, but she is always trying to pick a fight with me, am calling at the wrong time, I am not talking enough, I am not doing this I am not doing that. I feel fresh tears manufacturing, what do you want me to do baby? You say if I show you I love you you will stay, I could write it on a wall with my blood that I love you, it would me more painless than the pain of a bleeding heart. Sometimes physical pain is nothing, it's the nothing compared to the pain of a bleeding heart.
If my heart beats for you, wouldn't my heart stop beating if you packed up and left? If fresh emotions run up my being every time you call, wouldn't I die of all the energy if a day went by without your phone call. They say my biological clock starts with a slop ish morning, then midmorning my energy kicks up, it goes low at lunch time, but I kick start it with lunch, sometime in the afternoon I feel sleepy and that I should have a power nap for ten to fiffteeen minutes. Naturally, in the early evenings I will be hyper and weakest when I am about to go to bed.
It's different for you, I don't need to flirt with anyone to get my excitement up in the afternoon, and to feel energetic, I just think of the moments we share, I think of us lying in bed and us talking about all manner of things, you good cooking, you making me watch food channel, you causing me pleasure, I causing you pleasure, and it's enough to energize my whole day.
Baby, I could seat down and have a cup of tea babe, but I can't, I feel like am dying when am by myself, I have too be doing something, if it's not you it could be anything else, you know, sometimes work. And sometimes, I get too absorbed in my work I forget you are on the other end.
Am sorry baby, am at fault, am sorry, what can I do baby, am sorry, I love you, please stay, baby I just don't want us to fall apart, I want us together like we are when we talk but baby why are you fighting with me? Or is it that you have always fought with me it's me who notices it right now.
I have never been in love this long babe, your love is an ocean I was dropped in, I was asked to swim in it, sometimes I want to sink, sometimes I want to swim to shore, sometimes I want to be with a boat, sometimes I want to dance on deck, sometimes I want to deep sea diving, but all times I want to be in your ocean of love. It's the only way I can breath.
Please be okay, we are perfect, people watch us babe, and they say they wish they could have what we have, if they see that babe, if they see that, why can't we see that, baby we've done long distance this long, dint give up on me, not this way baby, we've come so far, we can't just fuck such a beautiful thing, not now not this way, baby stay with me, let's stay together baby. You remember how hopeless the world was before we were with each other. I love you, you love me, am not leaving.
Question is, there are two win glasses, there is one seat, the remote is on your side of the seat, I have wrapped up a gift for you, we have a number of movies to watch? It is raining outside. Can you hear the rain, it's dark and the world is cruel. Do you want to seat under this blanket watching television as I watch you beautiful eyes and kiss you. Where my hugs are warm. Or do you want to walk out?
The door is locked anyways, babe, I love you. Any you staying, we can't be fighting more than we love.