Friday, 20 July 2012

Hobbies, not bizz

When they love you, it's boring. When they don't love you, you want them to. When you are beautiful, you don't need to hear it, you can't stand to hear it! When you not, you die to here it. And when you get to hear it, you do anything to hear it, unthinkable things.

But you never think about the unthinkable things you do to hear sweet thing. Or to feel worthy. When you have to many people in your life, you are unstable. You are trying to compensate for something. When you have too little, you are lonely, you are unpopular. If you are unpopular, you are unattractive.

When you are normal, you aren't special. When you are special, you aren't normal, when you are special and not normal, then you start becoming normal. You try to hold on to what made you awesome. But you are fading away, so you start to do things to keep yourself from fading away.

When you write good posts, they are happy, when you don't they are not. If they stumble upon this one and feel its shit. They might never come back again.

But that's why it's a hobby. Who cares? Come? Go. I will still be here. It makes me happy.